lights of households —
the darkness filled with
a stray dog's voice
lonely autumn night –
filled with her tender embrace
never ending dream
a bouquet for her –
the roses’ scent discovers
never spoken words
places of childhood –
our eyes filled with the color
of forget-me-nots
so cold all around –
in the fog of deep autumn
the warmth of your hand
My e-book “This Silence in Silence” is available for purchase in the Google Play Store and for viewing on Google Books.
Mój e-book „Ta cisza w ciszy” jest dostępny również w sprzedaży w Sklepie Google Play i w podglądzie w Google Books.
W księgarni internetowej sieci Empik, w wersji polsko-angielskiej ukazał się e-book: „Ta cisza w ciszy” z moją twórczością.
Serdecznie zapraszam do jego zakupu.
crowded street -
a beggar's hat filled with
the scent of spring
stradă aglomerată -
pălăria unui cerşetor plină cu
places of childhood
still the same colour
of forget-me-nots
millions of stars -
a conversation with God
without words
a signpost
lost in the mist
autumn’s last day
fresh bread -
from the old bakery
the smell of childhood
I want to congratulate you for being selected as a winner for the 2023 Haiku Ramble in the College/Adult category. You poem will be on display in the Gila River Fitness Path located in Sacaton Arizona next to the Gila River Fairgrounds on Bluebird Road. Poems will be displayed in planters that have been painted by some talented Gila River Artists. Planters/Poems will be on display at the conclusion of the fitness path construction estimated to be finished in July 2023. An announcement will be shared when display is live. Thank you for participating and great job.
Winning poem:
The morning jogging,
Through a flowering meadow,
Spring scent of her hair.
Lance Reyna
Education Manager
Gila River Indian Community
Tribal Education Department
emptiness around -
the morning silence filled with
the glow of Buddha
alone in the dark--
a nightingale’s song
from here to dawn
"Marek Kozubek kept his ears open until first light in Bangkok, Thailand."
forgotten promise –
in an autumn puddle
the rising sun
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal - Volume 6:1, Autumn/Winter 2022-23
On behalf of the Golden Triangle Business Improvement District in Washington, D.C., I am pleased to notify you that one or more of your haiku poems was selected to be displayed on a sign that will be posted in a tree box along our neighborhood sidewalks.
The signs are being installed this week. They will remain on display throughout the month and will feature the selected haiku and your name as the author.
Your haiku was selected from this year’s 2,900-plus submissions. Entries came in this year from 71 different countries and from 49 states in the U.S., as well as from the District of Columbia.
Please know that your haiku will be featured prominently throughout the business district, by being displayed:
On at least 1 sign that will be displayed throughout March and April, in tree boxes along our neighborhood sidewalks.
On the Golden Triangle website.
paths in the fog
absorbed by autumn
former dreams
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, Volume 5:1, Autumn/Winter 2021-22
end of the summer—
the calm surface of a lake
absorbs the twilight
"Marek Kozubek uses a single present tense verb (“absorbs”) to describe minimal action, but it manages to fill his noiseless scene with light and color." - Comment by Margaret Coats
" Marek Kozubek stopped dead in his tracks in Bangkok."
hot summer night--
from silence
a snake hiss
Marek Kozubek walked down a familiar path in Bangkok, Thailand.
still the same way--
through a flowering meadow
our love
a miracle of nature -
her exotic beauty
melts the frost
Podziękowania dla Anety Michelucci za poetycką inspirację.
Grazie mille!
Wedding Anniversary—
still the same scent
of cherry blossoms
Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival